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What is KNB Scholarship?

Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospecve internaonal students coming from developing countries to pursue their master’s degree in one of Indonesian universies. The scholarship was conceived in the 10th Conference of Heads of States of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries, 1 –6 September 1992. The Government of Republic of Indonesia began to offer the scholarship to potenal students from NAM member countries in the following year.

The regional exclusiveness of the scholarship was revoke in 2002 since it had developed global interest. It was then the scholarship was officially renamed as Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship (KNB) and the recipients were no longer limited to NAM member countries. To date, the scholarship has also been offered to other developing countries in Asia, Pacific, South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Eventually, the scholarship is expected to build the people-to-people relations between Indonesia and the recipient countries. It aims at nurturing their future leaders.

KNB Scholarship at UNJ is provided for Master and Doctorate Program. This scholarship has been attractive for many applicants from developing countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia. All academic programs (lectures and thesis/dissertation) will be conducted in the Indonesian.

Scholarship Coverage

  1. A Settlement allowance of IDR 1,500,000 will be given to new students upon their arrival in Indonesia;
  2. While taking the Indonesian language course and preparatory programs, the new students will only receive living allowance and book allowance that will be distributed monthly;
  3. During the Academic Program, the KNB students will receive monthly allowance that consists of living allowance and research and book allowance;
  4. A health insurance with a maximum of IDR 400,000 monthly premium (In case of the cost of medical services exceeded to those covered by the health insurance, the difference should be borne by the student);
  5. A round-trip international airfare (economy class) from the international airport of the student’s home countries to Indonesia, including local transport to the host university.

*All scholarship coverage is meant for a single person only. KNB does not provide a family allowance.

**UNJ only provides tuition waiver for 5 KNB doctorate degree positions.

Program Details