Scholarship from the Indonesian Government
Darmasiswa is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries that have diplomatic relationships with Indonesia to study language, art, and culture. Participants can choose one of the selected universities located in different cities in Indonesia. This program is organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
For more information about Darmasiswa, click here
For more information about the application process, click here
Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scolarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospected international students to pursue their degree (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree) in one of Universities in Indonesia.
The Scholarship has been offered to developing countries or countries which have bilateral relations with Indonesia. They are include countries in Asia, Pacific, South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. It is not only build people- to- people relations between awardee and Indonesia but also offers experience of studying and living in one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant society.
KNB scholarship at Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) offers 55 programs. It covers 38 of Bachelor programs, 12 Master program and 5 Doctorate programs. The student will join the course in Bahasa Indonesia.
1. Settlement allowance | one time on arrival |
2. Tuition Fee of BIPA and academic program | Every semester that will paid to the University |
3. Monthly allowance | Monthly during the duration of scholarship |
4. Research and book allowance | One time during the duration of scholarship |
5. Health Insurance | During the duration of scholarship |
6. Funding for Publishing Scientific Article | One time |
7. Economy class return tickets | One time (return) to and from international airport of the student’s home country to and from Indonesia International airport and also local transport to and from Indonesia International airport to host university. |
All item of scholarship coverage is only for student. There is no provision for dependents or family. Other expenses out of mention above will be considered as personal base.
1. Indonesian Language Training Program (BIPA program) | Compulsory since all courses and program completion will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, Max one year. |
2. Preparatory program | Arranged in accordance with the UNJ policy and planning |
3. Academic Program of a. Bachelor Degree | Max 8 semesters |
1. Maximum age of Applicant | 21 years old | 35 years old | 40 years old |
2. Hold certificate and academic transcript of (in English or Bahasa Indonesia) Please be note: bachelor holder is nor eligible to apply for bachelor degree, master to apply for master and doctorate to apply for doctorate degree scholarship. | High school | Bachelor | Master |
3.Minimum English Proficiency Test Score (Certificate must be obtained within the last 2 years, excluded to participants from English speaking countries) | TOEFL ITP of 477; TOEFL IBT of 53; IELTS of 5,5; TOEIC of 510 or equivalent. | TOEFL ITP of 500; TOEFL IBT of 61; IELTS of 6; TOEIC of 575 or equivalent. | TOEFL ITP of 530; OEFL IBT of 71; IELTS of 6; TOEIC of 640 or equivalent. |
4. Recommendation letter to apply for KNB scholarship from Indonesian Embassy or Indonesian Consulate General | Yes | Yes | Yes |
5. Recommendation letter to apply for KNB scholarship from employer/ immediate supervisor (if working) (In English or Bahasa Indonesia) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
6. Academic recommendation letter from previous school or university (In English or Bahasa Indonesia) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
7. Prove citizenship by official passport valid for minimum 2 more years | Yes | Yes | Yes |
8.Obtain recommendation letter from the potential research supervisor at UNJ (In English or Bahasa Indonesia) | No | No | Yes |
9. Provide statement of purpose that at least state the purpose of study, origin of interest, chosen research topic and plan for academic future (Dissertation proposal) (In English or Bahasa Indonesia) | No | No | Yes |
10.Complete online application form in | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Nu | Program Name | Program Code | Degree |
1 | Earlv Childhood Education | 86107 | Master |
2 | Dance Education | 88212 | Bachelor |
3 | Computer Science | 56201 | Bachelor |
4 | Management | 61001 | Doctoral |
5 | Educational Management | 86031 | Doctoral |
6 | Indonesian Language Education | 88111 | Master |
7 | Educational Technology | 86103 | Master |
8 | Physical Education | 85001 | Doctoral |
9 | Technical and Vocational Education | 83101 | Master |
10 | Accounting | 62201 | Bachelor |
11 | English Literature | 79202 | Bachelor |
12 | Mechanical Engineering Education | 83203 | Bachelor |
13 | Educational Management | 86104 | Master |
14 | Management | 61101 | Master |
15 | France Language Education | 88206 | Bachelor |
16 | Guidance and Couseling | 86201 | Bachelor |
17 | English Language Education | 88203 | Bachelor |
18 | Digital Business | 61209 | Bachelor |
19 | Japanese Language Education | 88205 | Bachelor |
1 | Afghanistan | 43 | Iran | 85 | People’s Republic of China |
2 | South Afrika | 44 | Jamaica | 86 | Romania |
3 | Algeria | 45 | Cameron | 87 | Rwanda |
4 | Angola | 46 | Kazakhstan | 88 | Saint Kitts & Nevis |
5 | Antigua & Barbuda | 47 | Kenya | 89 | Saint Lucia |
6 | Argentina | 48 | Marshall Island | 90 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
7 | Azerbaijan | 49 | Kyrgyzstan | 91 | Senegal |
8 | Bangladesh | 50 | Kiribati | 92 | Serbia |
9 | Barbados | 51 | Comoros | 93 | Sierra Leone |
10 | Belarus | 52 | Nort Korea | 94 | Cyprus |
11 | Belize | 53 | Cuba | 95 | Slovakia |
12 | Benin | 54 | Laos | 96 | Solomon Islands |
13 | Bhutan | 55 | Lesotho | 97 | Somalia |
14 | Bosnia andHerzegovina | 56 | Liberia | 98 | Sri Lanka |
15 | Botswana | 57 | Libya | 99 | Sudan |
16 | Brazil | 58 | Madagascar | 100 | South Sudan |
17 | Bulgaria | 59 | Maldives | 101 | Syria |
18 | Burundi | 60 | Malawi | 102 | Suriname |
19 | Cambodia | 61 | Malaysia | 103 | Tajikistan |
20 | Cape Verde | 62 | Mali | 104 | Tanzania |
21 | Caricom | 63 | Morocco | 105 | Thailand |
22 | Chad | 64 | Mauritius | 106 | Timor Leste |
23 | Chile | 65 | Egypt | 107 | Togo |
24 | Colombia | 66 | Mexico | 108 | Tunisia |
25 | Congo | 67 | Mongolia | 109 | Turkmenistan |
26 | Costa Rica | 68 | Mozambique | 110 | Tuvalu |
27 | Ecuador | 69 | Myanmar | 111 | Uganda |
28 | El Salvador | 70 | Namibia | 112 | Ukraine |
29 | Ethiopia | 71 | Nauru | 113 | Uruguay |
30 | Federated states of Micronesia | 72 | Nepal | 114 | Uzbekistan |
31 | Fiji | 73 | Nicaragua | 115 | Vanuatu |
32 | Philippines | 74 | Nigeria | 116 | Venezuela |
33 | Gambia | 75 | Pakistan | 117 | Vietnam |
34 | Ghana | 76 | Palau | 118 | Yemen |
35 | Guatemala | 77 | Palestine | 119 | Jordan |
36 | Guinea | 78 | Panama | 120 | Zambia |
37 | Guinea Bissau | 79 | Ivory Coast | 121 | Zimbabwe |
38 | Guyana | 80 | Papua New Guinea | ||
39 | Honduras | 81 | Paraguay | ||
40 | Hungary | 82 | Peru | ||
41 | India | 83 | Poland | ||
42 | Iraq | 84 | Dominican Republic |
1 | Submit Application | 20 January – 21 February 2025 |
2 | Selection Administration | 24 February – 7 March 2025 |
3 | Selection Academic, Interview and Psikotest | 24 March – 25 April 2025 |
4 | Announcement | 23 May 2025 |
5 | Re-registration | 24 – 30 May 2025 |
6 | Document immigration for submit student visa | 8 July-9 August 2025 |
7 | Arrival to Indonesia | August 2025 |
8 | BIPA Program | TBA |
9 | For AUN/Seed-net Program | 3rd week of August 2025 |
Section Process: Vice-Rector 1 and admission information
How to Apply: